Capital Expenses Plan

Project List:

In 2022 Charity Golf will focus on providing support for much needed capital projects in the Esterhazy hospital and Care Home.

The money used this year is on equipment that can easily be transferred to a new facility when the time comes.


2022 Purchases

New x-ray machine (our share) $300,000

Security system for hospital      $45,000

Blood storage fridge                   $17,000

2022 Purchases

Tub chair lift       $12,000

Ceiling track lift (2)       $26,000

Care Home


2022 Purchases


a) The focus is on items that can be moved to the new facilities

b) The X-ray equipment will be installed in 2 years and will reduce radiation by 20%

c) The X-ray machine is 60% funded by the government and our portion is the $300,000. It will reduce radiation from our current unit by 20%.

Notes to the Capital Plan

Our Capital Campaign

Began in 2009. The project includes both a new hospital and Care Home to be built as a  joint facility. The local community is responsible for 20% of the total project costs. From a preliminary study done the estimate of the community share is $10-11 million. As the study was done in 2011, the costs have probably increased. It is important to be prepared with the community share. While it does not guarantee that the government will approve the project it does send the message that there is support for the project and we are ready.

Home Care

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Rendering of New Hospital